Writing essay introduction
Criminalistics Paper Topics
Saturday, August 22, 2020
E-Business and E-Commerce of an ICT Organization- myassignmenthelp
Question: Examine about theE-Business and E-Commerce of an ICT Organization for Business. Answer: Swot Analysis of an ICT Service in an Organization SWOT ANALYSIS Association: IT-Commerce Lane Depiction of Current/new ICT administration: IT Commerce Lane is the E-Business and E-trade Website dependent on Electronic business administrations. This online business website is utilized to offer the assistance of the site to connect with the chairman network. It helps in doing the business and to talk about the procedure of the business on the web. It fundamentally manages the better wellspring of result and essentially in planning, coding, special exercises, promoting and so forth. Our association by and large aides in arranging, working and elevating to share and increase the information and expertise through site (Andam, 2014). Qualities It characterizes the primary qualities of an association that outperforms and isolates from the administrations being given by the other association which for the most part prompts keep up the uniqueness and to keep up the opposition which includes brand name of an association and the alluring space name, dependability, CRM, bundle rebate, giving offers and occasional offers and so on. Giving blessings and new plans to new clients (Boone Kurtz, 2013). Shortcoming It at times needs the conventional type of marking for keep up the trust with respect to the gross turnover, more significant level of obligation, absence of capital, a deficient administrations, and so forth. Tangible Limitation. Openings It is characterized to prompt the best chance to offer the types of assistance comprehensively and to all the land zones to be the most great system factors that organization manages it to give an upper hand. Keeping up the unwaveringness with the clients may prompt great and the positive input so the organization can get some changeless clients. Dangers It has the principle factors and the highlights when creation of the online exchange on the grounds that occasionally it might prompt danger and the inclusion of the outsider which may hurt an association in cost of sources of info, developing rivalry in the market, and so forth. The costs associated with the merchandise and the administrations are typical and are financial and anybody ready to bear the cost of the hierarchical help it and purchase the IT items and virtual products of an association and begin offering to different clients on the expanding value rate (Barnes Hunt, 2013). Rundown and Recommendation: In the basic structure the E-trade and E-Business is the way toward purchasing and selling of the great and administrations over the web. It worry with the principle strategy of giving the e-business benefits by performing on the different planning instruments, coding reviews utilizing new advancements, advancing all the business exercises and so forth. The E-Business is the most noticeable layer of playing out all the business exercises locally and comprehensively to upgrade the association name and giving the best administrations to the buyers and pulling in them towards the endowments being offered to draw in them towards the business associations. It has become the cutting edge method of doing the business following the customary techniques for selling of the items. It basically expects to have the correct openness to do the business universally coming to all the topographical limits with the adaptable speed and administration accessible 24*7. Our association assists with giving the accessibility of data of the considerable number of items and administrations which turns out to be a lot simpler and speediest method of getting to the data on the site (Cavusgil et al., 2014). Conceptual Electronic Commerce and business is the procedure managing the business exercises performed on sites by means of the web. It is utilized for getting to all the offices being give by the web based business webpage for the principle reason for purchasing or selling of the items. It is not at all like to the customary business being trailed by it and completed possibly and physical with the exertion of group. In todays situation internet business has made it simpler for simple method of getting to the site by basically purchasing and selling of the items on the web (Wiengarten et al.,2015). It has welcomed the more noteworthy effect on diminishing the physical work and is utilized to spare time. It has been received as the effective lead in the realm of PCs. Be that as it may, there are obstruction which is raised with respect to the security issues and for this Security is the greatest test being acknowledged to and confronted today for the progression in the field of security (Chaffey , 2015). Meaning of E-trade and E-Business in ICT Organization It by and large alludes to as the kind of business or the exchanges made which are simply founded on the business essentially includes with the getting to of data and to move the progression of data on the web. It fundamentally covers all the business types in order to build the interest of a site over the web. The E-trade or E-business is completely founded on the selling and purchasing of the items online through the specific site. It fundamentally includes the exchanging products and ventures being performed between numerous associations to give all the IT offices to the clients. It has risen worldwide to get to the easy method of doing the business and has become a significant viewpoint to maintain the business all inclusive (Galliers Leidner, 2014). Working of E-trade and E-business for an Organization The working includes the present proportion which fundamentally includes the shopper to move over hierarchical site in order to communicate with the association to purchase the products and enterprises from it. It is fundamental for each customer to communicate with the worker of an organization for moving to an online exchange server where all the data is being set is being in the scrambled structure. The procedure is as per the following initially the shopper will request to the ideal great and the he will ask for getting the administration of that great purchase preparing to the private systems. When the procedure is reached to the last procedure the data is being handled to the private systems to the passages (Turbanet al., 2015). The entire procedure takes few moments to finish 1 exchange. For this there are various methods of installments frameworks to process the wants the need of the clients. Internet business is known for the protected mode for making the exchanges (Gregory et al., 2017). Most recent Technologies Being Used for E-business It has become the significant part for each E-Business site to refresh to the most recent advances in order to make the quickest method of getting to over the systems. Most recent advances being actualized in the associations bring the huge changes over the site like quick method of getting to the items; increment the experience of shopping better, quickest method of making the exchange on the web. It makes it simple for the client to play out the better capacities and for this our association guarantee to our client to have the shopper benevolent condition on the site (Humphreys et al., 2014). It causes the association to manage the most recent innovation that will prompt the incredible accomplishment as more exchanges are being performed and more merchandise and enterprises being imparted to the B2B and B2C for the best exchanging promotion increment the relationship practices that expansion in the data and correspondence advancements (McElheran, 2015). Different Models of E-Commerce Business-to-Business-It can be basically characterized as the business been made between two organizations. This kind of business bargains in the connections between the other electronic sites and among business. It is been engaged with the two essential parts for example e-markets and e-foundation. It keeps up the extension between the different business tasks to different associations that are being included to expand the business exercises like promoting and deals for the advancement of the business. This has been demonstrated as the quickest developing web showcase (Laudon Traver, 2013). Business-to-Consumer-It is otherwise called the trade between the organizations and to the buyers. It fundamentally assists with including the customer for gathering data. It helps in accepting the items and the data merchandise over the internet business organize. It helps in decrease of the exchange costs which give the incresability on the buyers to access to data and encourages the client to think about the cost of an item or administrations. It has become the developing interest on the practical merchandise (Wymer, 2013). Business-to-Government-It for the most part characterizes the business been associated with the organizations and the administration segments. It assists with having an appropriate utilization of including the open requests in regards to the authorizing techniques and so on. This procedure builds the straightforwardness approach with respect to the administration procedure (Pantano, 2014). Purchaser to-Consumer-It essentially includes the business between the individual or to the customers. This kind of business is been described as the development in the electronic commercial centers and the explicitly in different firms and to the organizations. This procedure has been demonstrated as the best potential for creating in the new markets. This procedure has the shared association between the associations (Popa et al., 2016). Ascending of E-Business Models and Strategies for Success In todays situation everybody knows about getting to the web and particularly the E-trade sites which essentially expects to include the purchaser for purchasing of items and administration from the market to devour the time. Presently days more stores are being place on the web for the business reason from maintaining a nearby business online to the International market monsters. The individuals by and large pulls in towards this field in order to ascend in the field of marketing on the online business to the coming up and coming yea
Friday, August 21, 2020
Avoiding Alignment Trap Essay
This case investigation talks about the discoveries in the article ‘Avoiding the Alignment Trap’, where despite the fact that most organizations know that IT must be lined up with business methodology as far as adjusting IT costs with income development, over 11% of organizations that adjust IT to business system spend over 13% on normal on IT costs with a subsequent of under 14% normal in income development. The target of this case investigation is to suggest an administration plan that will lead most organizations that are at present have less successful IT arrangement with business arrangement to IT-empowered development where the expense of IT more than repays with the income development of the organization. The proposal is to receive a Duopoly administration course of action where both the CEO and CIO decide, structure an advisory group to regulate IT choices and business procedure choices made by these pioneers, and guarantee satisfactory dynamic and observing of e xecution dependent on IT and business-related choices. The ISO 38500 can be utilized as a system to screen these choices and assess IT choices dependent on their adequacy, arrangement with by and large technique and the worth they bring to the association. CURRENT SITUATION As indicated by the article, pretty much every organization knows that IT and business systems must be adjusted so as to increase upper hand in their industry. This implies their IT going through must be coordinated with their development techniques. To test this thought, the writers of this article overviewed 452 organizations and got 504 reactions. The review decided the organizations IT going through and 3-year deals aggravating to decide yearly development rate. In their overview, they have discovered the accompanying: 1.74% of these organizations don't adjust IT to their business techniques. Organizations designate enough assets to their IT important to keep the frameworks running. It isn't intended to enhance the business. Subsequently, their development rate is 2% beneath on normal on a three-year length 2.11% of these organizations have profoundly adjusted IT to business technique, however not exceptionally successful. Their IT spending was 13% higher than normal and their income development rate was 14% beneath averageâ 3.8% of these organizations burned through 15% lower than normal on IT that brought about a 11% better than expected income development rate. 4.7% of these organizations burned through 6% lower than normal on IT that brought about over 35% better than expected income development rate. To apply these discoveries against the diverse administration models, the 74% of organizations that don't adjust IT to their business techniques have a Federal Model of Governance Arrangements. Government Models are choices made by pioneers from various useful divisions and in this kind of Governance Model, they for the most part give more consideration on Business Application Needs and less on IT Principles, IT Architecture and Infrastructure Strategies. 11% of organizations that are exceptionally adjusted but acquire more spending than income development tumble to the Business Monarchy Governance M odel. In this sort of administration courses of action, choices are made by senior business pioneer. In the Charles Schwab model in the article, their administration game plan is IT Monarchy. Their choices were made by IS pioneer and put more accentuation on IT Architecture, Infrastructure techniques and have brought about most noticeably awful business application needs. Rules To place an association in an IT-empowered development quadrant, an association ought to embrace a Duopoly Model of administration game plan where senior business pioneers and IS pioneers settle on choices mutually. As such, the CEO and CIO must work intently together to define the best IT standards and adjust it to the firm’s business methodology overall. Additionally, they should execute data innovation that is less perplexing. In the expressions of Leonardo Da Vinci per the article ‘simplicity is a definitive sophistication.’ By diminishing intricacy, the organization assembles improved, normalized framework as opposed to broad redoing of data innovation. With these 2 set up, it can bring about viable IT administration which will empower development in income later on. Choices and Recommendations Concerning the article, the 85% of the organizations that tumble to the less compelling quadrant in IT administration can begin embracing a Duopoly Governance Arrangement where both the CEO and CIO cooperate and make decisionsâ jointly. With Duopoly, an advisory group can be framed to regulate IT choices, rate the IT initiative by the CIOs and nonstop observing directors inside the association in their dynamic and oversight. In any case, a few associations don't receive a duopoly administration plan because of its size. Thusly, the following administration course of action that can be received by the associations is the Business Monarchy where choices are made by senior business pioneer. With this model, the business head can request the budgetary manager’s help to distinguish the sorts of data and framework the association needs, perform money saving advantage examination, assess choices dependent on need setting and needs appraisal and decide what’s significant and overhaul as advantage. The vast majority of all, there must be sufficient correspondence all through the association of the choice. The article recommends that to accomplish a powerful IT administration, organizations must keep their IT condition basic. Despite the fact that accomplishing a straightforward IT condition and normalizing it inside the association requires speculation of time and cash, later on this can prompt lower costs. Despite the fact that multifaceted nature can in any case creep in, it is recommended that the organization have an early-cautioning pointer that will monitor IT going through with item advancement. On the off chance that this proportion begins to expand, it is an indication that it’s time for another improvement. Not far off, organizations can arrive at the IT-empowered quadrant where expenses are less and income development is more. Hazard MANAGEMENT PLAN To keep away from the arrangement trap, the best administration course of action that can enable an association to change its status from being caught in adjusting IT to business system to IT-empowered development is to adjust a Duopoly administration game plan where senior business pioneers and IS pioneers settle on choices mutually meaning the CEO and the CIO work intently together. Both these chiefs can shape an advisory group to direct IT choices and guarantee supervisors are observed in their dynamic and oversight. They should likewise adjust a straightforward IT application; dispense with additional items and supplanting inheritance frameworks. For direction in dynamic by the panel, the associations can receive ISO 38500 where the accompanying 6 standards centers around 3 fundamental errands. These 6 standards are: 1.Responsibility †everybody engaged with theâ committee ought to get duties and have the power to meet those obligations 2.Strategy †adjusting IT Strategy and Organizational Strategy and breaking down the present and future circumstances of the association and consider both the necessities of association and those that should be possible inside its own IS office 3.Acquisitions †can be made after both cautious and sane examination. The obtaining choice must be straightforward and advocated 4.Performance †data frameworks are executed with the end goal that administration levels and quality levels meet the organization’s needs both now and later on 5.Conformance †consistence with guidelines and enactments 6.Human Behavior †guarantees regard for current and advancing needs of all people included The 3 principle undertakings are: 1.Evaluate present and future needs consistently †centers around nonstop improvement and joins the standards above both now and later on 2.Preparation and Implementation of venture plans †the board needs to ensure that obligations regarding plans and strategies are plainly being doled out 3.Monitor execution and conformance to strategies against the plans †pivotal in checking expected help levels being met. In the event that this isn't done appropriately, at that point there won’t be suitable data for dynamic. Arriving at the IT-empowered quadrant isn't simple and it includes a major interest in disentangling the IT utilized inside the association. This is the reason most associations centers incidentally around adequacy of IT usage inside the association more than arrangement of IT with hierarchical procedure. This implies surrendering explicit applications modified on a specific division so as to accomplish its ideal execution and concentrating and rearranging a decent piece of the IT work.
Friday, July 3, 2020
Portia in Julius Caesar - Free Essay Example
In William Shakespeares play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, the character Portia, second wife to Brutus, seemed to be one of the most burdened with secrets. There were only two women in the play, and Portia was the one who proved strength over most of the male characters, both physically and mentally. Portia was born between 73 BC and 64 BC and loved philosophy and had an obvious understanding of courage (Wikipedia.org). Portia was the only wife in the play who knew about the plot to kill Caesar. Brutus divorced his first wife, Claudia Pulchra, to marry Portia. Brutuss mother, Servilia, was jealous of Brutuss love for Portia (Wikipedia.org). Every character in this play intertwines as a soap opera would. Most marriages were for political reasons and arranged, but Portia and Brutus married for love. Portia represents a woman who sees herself as strong as a man and tries to prove her strength throughout the play, (Wikipedia.org). When Brutus refuses to tell her secrets saying she would not be strong enough to handle such things, Portia stabs herself in the leg. This is her effort to not only prove her pain can be hidden, but she can also keep a secret. This symbolizes her strength and loyalty. Men are usually seen as the violent characters in the play. Portia shows more self-inflicting pain than any other character. Shes torn before Caesars murder, because she knew about the murder plot. She may have been the powerful one who could have prevented Caesars assassination, if she had told someone or warned Caesar. Her loyalty to Brutus may have also been the death of her. Although shes dead by Chapter IV, Portia still plays a huge part in this chapter, as far as showing Brutuss character. Portia only appears in the entire play a few times, but her role plays a huge significance. Brutus mentions Portia, during his conversation with Cassius as they prepare for their final battle. Brutus shows his own conflicting feelings about his role in Caesars death and his guilt for also contributing to Portias suicide (Shakespeare.mit.edu/julius_caesar). Bru tus says, No man bears sorrow better. Portia is dead when explaining to Cassius how Portia was stronger than any man, but she was now dead from swallowing the hot coals. In Act 4: Scene 3: Brutuss tent, Cassius asks Brutus during their emotional conversation, how Portia died, Of what illness? (Shakespeare.mit.edu/julius_caesar). Brutus replies blaming himself for being absent during Portias grief, blaming himself for her suicide. During this conversation, Brutus tells Cassius to get him bowl of wine, so he can bury all unkindness or unwanted feelings. (Shakespeare.mit.edu). Brutus acts completely different when he speaks to Cassius in private. Brutus is a completely different man when in the public eye. Many historians argue about the exact timing of Portias suicide. Contemporary and modern historians also argue whether she actually swallowed hot coals or died of carbon monoxide poisoning (Wikipedia.org). Contemporary historians believe she killed herself after hearing Brutus died following the second battle of Philippi and modern believe she may have died from the plague (Wikipedia.org). By reading Shakespeares play, it is seems as if Portia died from grief. She was torn the day of Caesars assassination, knowing her husband was involved, but could not be comforted. She had to keep these worries to herself. Portias role in the play represents the deep pain and sorrow inside of Brutuss conscious by the end of the play, (Shakespeare.mit.edu). Portia, being a woman, was not trusted to keep the plot to kill Caesar silent. To prove her loyalty to silence, she inflicted a wound upon her thigh with a barbers knife. She left the wound untreated for over a day (Wikipedia.org). Feeling the pain of her wounded leg in silence. She used this example to prove she could endure physical and emotional pain, while keeping her secrets to herself. She could keep this secret from her husband, Brutus (Wikipedia.org). Portias loyalty to her husband is proven over and over throughout the play. She has so much anxiety the day of Caesars assissination, she faints. She worries about her and sen ds messengers to mahusbanke sure hes still alive (Shakespeare.mit.edu).
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Importance Of The Ancient Egyptian Pyramids In Giza
There is much debate on how the Ancient Egyptian Pyramids in Giza were built. King Khufu’s pyramid, from the Old Kingdom, stands at 146 meters high, has a base of 230 meters, while using 2.4 million stone blocks; each block averaging between 2.5 to 15 tons (Van Der Mieroop). These extreme numbers force researchers to try and create hypotheses on how the Ancient Egyptians were able to construct such colossal monuments. Although we have an idea of where and how the Egyptians obtained the materials used for their creation, it is still unclear how they were able to take stone blocks that weighted several tons so high up, have such precision that not even a credit card could slip through the blocks, and was capable of pointing the pyramids†¦show more content†¦Bethany Simpson (Ask Rose how to Cite), it was said that through the examination of the workers living area, it is known that the workers were fed quite well. They were fed large quantities of high-end meats like cat tle. But more importantly, the pyramid was constructed to be a cosmic engine for the pharaoh. The creation of a pyramid represented the rule of universal order, which included the changing of days and seasons, as we as the flooding of the Nile. The mechanics of the pyramid as a cosmic engine depend largely on a term called â€Å"Kheperu†. This concept is used in relation to a person and their distinct phases of life and death (cite Lehner). In death, the pharaoh will experience transformations that include the Ka, the Ba, and the body interacting. This leads to the final step in the transformation in which the pharaoh becomes Akh, the spiritual state of an Egyptian. The pyramid was an essential instrument that allowed these transformations to occur, and are better understood as the meeting point in life and light with the darkness and death (cite Lehner). Along with being a vessel for the transformation and revival of pharaohs into the afterlife with the Gods, it was also an Icon. The pyramid was a giant symbol that at times is regarded as just a hieroglyph. The pharaoh wanted to apply a personal nature, his human characteristic to something nonhuman and everlasting so that he can live forever in the eyes of everyone who sees his pyramid whenShow MoreRelatedThe Distribution Of Power Throughout Old Kingdom Egypt And The First Intermediate Period1436 Words  | 6 PagesVCE Ancient History Unit 2 Historical Enquiry Explain the distribution of power in Old Kingdom Egypt and the first intermediate period, the social, political, and economic reasons for the constructors of pyramids, and Egyptian belief concerning the afterlife. The Great Pyramids of Giza are considered to be three of the world’s most fascinating and astonishing archaeological marvels. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
This Past Week Was My Second Week In My Final Rotation
This past week was my second week in my final rotation at Norton Women’s and Children’s Hospital! At women s and children s, child life covers every unit, including the adult units. I will be completing three 12 hour shifts each week for the next 5 weeks. During my final rotation, I will be focusing on the following modules from the ACLP internship modules: assessment, patient family centered care, palliative end of life care, administration, and professional development. These module activities will be done fluidly with my experiences, meaning it is not a week by week progression. The patient interaction that I wish to highlight from this week was a normative play session with a 7-year-old female who was hospitalized for a fecal†¦show more content†¦At this point, her foster dad engaged her with me and was right by her side encouraging her and providing emotional support. She continued to say that she, â€Å"just wanted to have the IV pump back on and not t he water through her straw.†After a while, the RN had called in multiple staff to help (she became aggressive and attempted to kick anyone who came near her other than her foster father and myself) and then decided to not continue attempting to flush her IV, because the patient was going to be discharged and the foster father adamantly asked if the nurses could leave the room and give her some time to calm down. I also left and then came back about 5 minutes later and brought some more art supplies to try to have some post-procedural play and she readily engaged in the activities but I was called to the ED for a procedure and could not stay. I debriefed with Kristi and although I felt incredibly defeated, I was reassured that I did everything that I could have done in the moment and that this was not a typical response from a patient this age. 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Impact of Mobile Banking on Customer-Free-Samples-Myassignment
Question: Discuss about the Impact of Mobile Banking on Customer retention rates and Business Performance. Answer: Introduction The mobile banking consists to the application of smartphones and other cellular technique to do online banking jobs while far from home computer like monitoring account balances, bill payment, locating automatic teller machine, and transferring money from on account to others. In exiting time, many mobile bankingis practiced by a company to share the data. In addition,mobile banking can considerdifferent kinds of services such as bill payment, money transaction from one account to another account, and review of accounting information. It can support to make an effective relationship with consumers. In the existing scenario, more than 35 billion of people have used the mobile banking services to fulfill their financial needs in specified time and cost (Bryman, et al., 2015). It is also addressed thatsocial media is amost popular way to inspire the consumers towards the new services of thefinancial institution. Therefore an organization can spread the awareness towards the mobile bank ing on the social media and enhance the consumer retention systematically. It can also help the organization to improve their financial condition in less time. As per the current scenario, it is evaluated that a large number of consumer who hasused the social media is college people that can be easily inspired by the use of mobile banking. Moreover, mobile banking plays a significant role in the existing business condition (Khan, et al., 2014). Therefore, thefinancial institution has needed to motivate a huge amount of consumers to operate the business successfully and obtain the feasible result.In addition, it is also addressed that consumers can be motivated and attracted by using social media to run the organization systematically. In addition to this, an organization should use the mobile banking to fulfill their financial issues in expected time. Consequently, thecompany can be able to enhance the performance of theorganization (Zameer, eta l., 2015). Project objectives The main aim of this research is to analyze the impact of mobile banking on customer retention rates and business performance. To identify the meaning and concept of mobile banking ToaddressImpact of mobile banking on customer retention rates and business performance To recommend the strategiesofmobile banking to improve the customer retention rates and business performance Project scope This research is effective to gain the understanding towards the benefit and disadvantages of practicing mobile banking in the business. The use of mobile banking in the business could be imperative for the research. In addition, the best understanding towards the mobile banking can positively influence the consumer retention and business performance. This research proposal can be imperative for the researcher to obtain areliable outcome in the upcoming period. In the existing period, a company can practice the mobile banking to improve the financial performance of theorganization and retain the consumer. This proposal can be effective to for improving the performance of company systematically.Moreover, it can also be effective for the researcher because of gaining their understanding towards the different factors of mobile banking. Asa result, thecompany can enhance their productivity systematically (Kandampully, et al., 2015). Literature review Introduction This section supports the researcher and reader to enhance their awareness towards the practices the practices of mobile banking on the consumer retention and business performance. It also discusses the impact of mobile banking on the consumer retention and business performance. To identify the meaning and concept of mobile banking According to the Moro et al. (2015),mobile banking is developed as a wireless communication network for building the value by consumers in abanking transaction. It is also analyzed that company has concentrated on the application of banking services due to making easy operating process.The application of mobile in the banking sector has adirect impact on the growth of thebusiness. It is also stated that the mobile banking is modern technology for future banking. It is also stated that the mobile banking can enable the consumers to get information about their account on the mobile phone. It is accomplished with higher security. Marinkovic et al. (2015)argued that the usual baking service is offered by the mobile networks.In addition, it is also analyzed that mobile banking is a different service that is offered by a bank and other financial institution that enable their consumers to conduct financial trades through mobile as a table and smartphones. It also facilitated the consumer to include the internet service in the mobile banking that offered by the financial institution. Mobile banking is generally available on 24 on an hourly basis. In addition, an organization has restrictions by which accounts could be accessed by mobile banking. In support of this, Zhang et al. (2014)stated that a company can also make alimiton the amount which can be managed. There are different types of elements are considered in the mobile banking like account balances, electronic bill payment, lists of latest transactions, funds transfers among the customers and other accounts. In addition, many apps allow the consumers todownload their bank statement and create understanding towards the actual situation of banking transaction. From the perspective of thebank, the mobile banking plays abig role in reducing the cost of handling tractions by declining the consumer need to visita bank for anon-cash withdrawal. As per the view ofKeiningham et al. (2014), mobile banking does not manage the transactions including cash, and consumer required tovisitan ATM and bank branch for depositing and transacting the money. In addition, it can also be said that many apps provide facility to their customers for digitally transmit cheques in an appropriate manner. Mobile banking can be different from the mobile payments that include the application of a mobile device to transact for goods and service. In addition, it can also be said that the mobile banking can easily enhance the growth of thebusiness. To address Impact of mobile banking on customer retention rates and business performance According to the Al-Alak (2014),the mobile banking can play an imperative role in increasing the customer retention and organization performance. It is stated that through a mobile banking, thefirmcan save their time and cost make theeasier transaction process in the working place. It is also analyzed that there is apositive relationship between the mobile banking and customer retention and organization performance.Since, the practices of mobile banking can be effective for an organization to retain the consumers at long-termand improve the financial condition. For this reason, astakeholderis capableto improve their and productivity and performance that help the organization to improve the financial condition. In support of this, Kaura et al. (2015)examined that the mobile banking is aneffective method that can be utilized by financial institutions to enhance their capabilities. It permits the financial institutions to improve new skills, perform best, and improve their productivity. In addition, the mobile banking service canmake enable the consumers for enhancing their knowledge towards new technology. It can also support to fulfillthe needs of consumers in less time and cost that can increase the consumer loyalty towards the product and services of thecompany. In oppose to this, Terpstra et al. (2014) explained that the mobile is safe and secure for the consumer because most of the financial institutions have used the safeguardand secure the confidential data of consumers. It can be effective to make a robust relationship with theconsumer and retain them in long-term. It is also analyzed that enhancement in the application of mobile banking can freedom for anytime anywhere banking that could also help to make apositive image in the marketplace. The mobile banking can permit each consumer to have the services of banks at the time of traveling. However, thebank cannot facilitate the consumer to take the services of mobile banking through PC and Laptop. In addition, it is also analyzed the mobile banking services is free of charge because thebank cannot make thelimit to access the account details. On the other side,Amin et al. (2014) illustrated that the bank offers many services throughmobile banking like fund transfer facilities, minimum balance alerts, bill payment alerts, account balance inquiry, transaction history, and credit/debit alerts. The mobile banking can be practiced for completing many tasks in less time and cost. In addition, it is also analyzed that the mobile banking can permit the employee to complete their bank activities without going in the bank branch. It permits checking account balance, setting up alerts, and transferring money from on account to another account.Moreover, it is also analyzedthat the bank can also enable the consumers to directly deposit the cheques on the front of thecamera, sending money from on account to other, and transferring the credit card balance. In the view ofPeppers et al. (2016)the mobile banking can facilitate the bank to maintain the finance by offering the convenient service to the consumers. As a result, thecompany is able to improve the consumer retention and financial performance. It also permits the consumer to review their balance and always understand their financial condition.A customer can instantly deposit the check and get the cash in less time. It can also retain the consumer and improve the performance of theorganization. It also facilitated that employee to pay the bill before going anywhere and save time and cost of theorganization as well as theconsumer. As a result, anorganization can make adifferent image in the marketplace and enhance the consumer retention that will positivelyimpact the performance of theorganization. All such features can permit the consumer to control the money on time.It is also stated that does not matter where you are, it provides the service at anytime and anywhere. Bank branche s can handle the financial transaction activity of consumers in the specified time. However, the mobile banking facilitated the consumers to have the service 24*7. On the other side,Tingchi et al. (2014)the younger age of people are generally keen to address their fund flow statement via mobile. It is also stated that 58% of 26-35 years old and 52% of 18-24 years of consumers have used the smartphones. In addition to this, it can also be said that the smartphone is an effective way to access banking service for both age group of people. In the current era, most of the person has believed on the social media so in case any wrong information spreads on the social media then it can negative impact on the growth of theorganization. Hence, an organization has needed to focus on such kinds of issues due to effectively deal with theunexpected situation and sustain in the marketplace for long-term. To recommend the strategies of mobile banking to improve the customer retention rates and business performance In the view of this, Kumar (2015)financial institution should provide the mobile apps to their consumers for solving their financial issues in less cost and time. In addition, it is also stated that an effective mobile app can only take care the consumers. The apps should function beyond the expectation of consumer due to attracting a large number of consumers in less time. Moreover, an organization app should transfer the fund and fulfill the basic important needs of consumers due to making an effective relationship with them. It can be imperative in retaining the consumer for long-term (Giannakis, et al., 2014). In support to this, Chuah et al. (2014)explained that most of the consumers are not believing in the mobile banking, therefore, an organization should try to identify the consumer and make a positiveimage regarding the mobile banking. An organization should use the attractive strategy to get asuccessful result from the mobile banking. In thecurrent scenario, most of the financial organization offer only user id and password to easily use the mobile banking and complete their basic requirement related to the fund transfer. Through the mobile banking, an organization should inspire the consumers to have the financial services through mobile due to saving their time and cost. In addition, it is also illustrated thatan organization should aware the consumer regarding the benefits of mobile banking. In addition, it is also stated that if an individual download the mob apps then they can meet their financial needs in their expected time. In thecurrent period, most of the apps fulfill such kinds of needs at less cost. From this competition era, an organization should offer the innovative apps to the consumer due to offering the mobile service to the consumers. An organization should also provide the simple way to complete the requirements of consumers (Zhang, 2015). Arvidsson (2014) explained that an organization should use the KYC form to their consumers due to making an effective relationship with them. As a result, thecompany can retain the consumers and improve their performance for their consumers. Moreover, it is also illustrated that many companies do not offer the online services that can decline the performance of theorganization. It facilitated the individual to have the services themselves that is desired by the users of mobile. It is also analyzed that most of the banks have needed to new consumers to call on the toll-free number and open an account. Moreover, it is also analyzed that those customers who use the call services do not have needed to download the app. In addition, it isalsoillustratedthata bank should attract new consumers for using the banking services. Once a consumer is inspired by the product and services of thebank and came in the bank branch then they organization should aware them for offering the downloading the mob apps and enjoy the service themselves. Further, there are manyservices that are completing by thebank through mobile banking such as mobile bill pay, Mobile deposit capture, easy money transfers, and fast access to account balances to complete the needs of consumers (Sekaran, et al., 2016). Conclusion From the above interpretation, it can be summarized that the application of social media can directly influence the growth of thebusiness. It can also be concluded that the mobile banking can be effective to offer the financial service at home and anywhere, which can support to retain the consumers and improve the financial condition of theorganization. It can also save the additional cost and time of bank and consumer. Finally, it can be illustrated that the mobile banking services can help to make distinguish image in the marketplace. References Al-Alak, B. A. (2014) Impact of marketing activities on relationship quality in the Malaysian banking sector,Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,21(3), pp. 347-356. Amin, M., Rezaei, S., andAbolghasemi, M. (2014) User satisfaction with mobile websites: the impact of perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEOU) and trust,Nankai Business Review International,5(3), pp. 258-274. Arvidsson, N. (2014) Consumer attitudes on mobile payment servicesresults from a proof of concept test,International Journal of Bank Marketing,32(2), pp. 150-170. Bryman, A., and Bell, E. (2015) Business research methods. USA: Oxford University Press. Chuah, H. W., Marimuthu, M., andRamayah, T. 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Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Master Murabaha Financing Agreement free essay sample
Murabaha and disbursement of the new one. . Rebate on early payments * If the customer makes early payment and there is no commitment from the institution in respect of any discount in the price of Murabaha, than the institution as the sole discretion in allowing them the rebate. * It is not recommended to make it a practice and must be avoided in normal course of business. Such issue, if arises, should be brought in the knowledge of Shariah advisor 4. Penalty on late payments As soon as the Murabaha is executed, the Murabaha price becomes a receivable (Dayn) for the Bank. Hence, any amount charged over and above the dayn amount will be Riba. * However, it is permissible to have an undertaking from the customer to pay an amount of money or a percentage of the debt to be donated to charitable causes in the event of delay in payment/installments. . Subject matter of Murabaha * Goods must exists at the time of execution of Murabaha. We will write a custom essay sample on Master Murabaha Financing Agreement or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page * Murabaha cannot be done in all commodities, e. g. such as currencies, gold, silver. * Murabaha cannot be used for paying utility bills, wages, overhead expenses, etc. * General rules of sale related to subject matter must be followed 6. Purchase Evidence * In order to ensure that the customer actually purchased the assets as claimed, the customer is required to submit asset purchase evidence along with Offer place after the agency agreement. * Asset purchase may be in the form of Invoices, elivery orders, truck receipts etc. * In some cases, however, it may be too burdensome for the client to submit all the invoices as the number of invoices may run into hundreds. * For example, cotton purchases are generally in small quantities from various sources and hence for each Sub-Murabaha there may be too many invoices to submit. It is suggested to furnish considerable sample of invoices along with summary of all purchases. 7. Direct Payment in Murabaha In many cases, the disbursement is made to the customer as an agent of the bank. * In order to ensure transparency of the Murabaha, it is preferable that isbursement / payment be made directly to the supplier. Profit Recognition in Generally in Murabaha transaction there are in two stages: * Investment Stage (Agency to Purchase) * Financing Stage (Declaration to payment) * The profit for the Murabaha transaction can be recognized after the goods are sold by the bank to the customer. Training of Customers Bank staff Proper training understanding of is very important for * Bank staff dealing with the Murabaha * Customers purchase officers accounts staff. Process of Murabaha differ from product to product 10. Application of Murabaha is not simple for all products * Its application differs from products to products like * shares * Leather * Cotton * Gas * petrol Sugar cane Therefore the RM/RO dealing with the customer needs to understand and define step wise process flow along with the credit approval for each new customer/ industry.
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